Are High Heels Worth The Cost?

Now that Spring is near and many are returning back to the office. Heels are being dusted off and brought out of the closet. You may love the look of high heels, however, those fashionable footwear could cause you physical problems. It’s has been reported that 88% of women are wearing the wrong size shoes – often sacrificing comfort for style or availability. Unfortunately, compromising health for fashion can take a toll on our bodies.

Even worse, higher heels may mean bigger problems. It is estimated that 3-, 2-, and 1-inch heels would place 76%, 57% and 22% more pressure on your forefoot respectively (1). This throws off your center of gravity and forces biomechanical changes in the way you stand and walk. Consequently, it can negatively affect your overall posture, low back, hips, knee, ankles and feet. (2) This may also lead to development of heel pain, corns, bunions and even osteoarthritis! (2)

What Can You Do?

Wearing high heels for longer than three hours a day can actually shorten the length of the Achilles tendon (2) So try to change into more comfortable foot wear once you arrive at the office.

Avoid wearing heels more than 2 inches in height (2)


Wearing heels less often as studies found more than 3x a week led to harmful muscle imbalances which could increase the risk for ankle sprains and other injuries (3)

I’m Not Ready to Stop Wearing Heels!

If you aren’t ready to kick your heels to the curb, consider the following exercises to help reduce pain and discomfort (4):

Standing calf stretch: Keep your leg straight and let your heel fall backward off of the step. Hold for 30 seconds.

Hip-flexor stretch: Step backward with your leg, both toes facing forward. Feel a stretch in the top of the thigh and hip. Hold for 30 seconds.

Toe spreading: Spread your toes 5 times. Try to make each toe spread evenly. It doesn’t look like it’ll move much but actively thinking and trying to move your toes is already doing a lot for them.

How Can We Help?

Book an appointment today to get assessed and therapy for all your high heel related aches and pains. We can offer a wide range of solutions from postural strengthening and corrections, foot mobilization therapy, custom made orthotics and more.

Dr. Philip Ip

Dr. Philip Ip graduated from Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (2013) with a Doctorate of Chiropractic and McMaster University (2008) with a Bachelor of Medical Radiation Sciences. He has experience working in a multidisciplinary setting, providing interprofessional care amongst family physicians, orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists, massage therapists and other healthcare professionals. He has treated a variety of clients over the years with conditions such as sport injuries, disc injuries, postural conditions, post-surgical rehabilitation, etc.

Philip uses a variety of skills and techniques to deliver effective and efficient treatment plans, including but not limited to: diversified chiropractic adjustments, manual therapy techniques, active rehabilitation, clinical acupuncture, mobility work, etc. He educates each client and works with them to achieve their overall health and wellness goals, allowing them to be at their very best.

During his spare time, Philip continues to be an advocate of health. He enjoys going to the gym, rock climbing, cycling and sleep because as we know, sleep is one of the most important necessities for our health and often gets taken for granted!


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